Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Gleeked Out for McKinney Vento

Yes, I'm a GLEEK! Imagine my joy when, on last night's episode of glee (A Very Glee Christmas), Mr. Shue announced they were going to raise funds to support McKinney Vento's local homeless education program. My jaw dropped; and then a big smile came across my face.

McKinney Vento is the homeless assistance act that provides protection for children experiencing homelessness. It guarantees children in this situation the right to a free and appropriate education and it advocates for school stability for children.

McKinley High in Lima is a fictional school on glee; but Lima, Ohio is a very real place. The homeless liaison in Lima expects to serve 167 homeless students this school year. In Cincinnati we expect to serve over 3,000.

Family homelessness is a growing problem in today's economy and the awareness provided by a top-rated show on television is amazing. And of course, the example provided by the glee kids, trying to provide some holiday cheer to those less fortunate, is just what's needed. We cannot help these children without the support of our community.

This year we have holiday sponsorship for 168 children experiencing homelessness. . .168 faces filled with glee!

1 comment:

  1. I am the homeless liaison for the school district in whick I work. Currently we have close to 200 students identified as homeless. I was gobsmacked when I heard glee mention McKinney-Vento...I hope they do more with this issue, like actually have an episode where they address youth homelessness. GO GLEE.
